I’ve been thinking a lot about one of those sleep myths that seem to float around parent circles like an uninvited guest at a party. You know the one: “All kids need long restorative naps to grow well and be happy.”
Well, as someone who spends a lot of time diving deep into the fascinating world of toddler sleep coaching, and a parent of two who spent way too many hours stressing over my baby’s ‘short’ naps I’m here to share some real talk about this.
Some are like little koalas, needing those long naps to charge through their day. Others? They’re more like hummingbirds, buzzing through with shorter rest stops. Age, how they sleep at night, and just their unique little personalities affect how much daytime sleep they need.
Forget watching the clock. Keep an eye on your kiddo instead. Are they bright-eyed and bushy-tailed during the day? Do they nod off without a fuss come nap or bedtime? If yes, you’re probably in good shape. But if your little one’s cranky, clingy, or melting down more than usual, it might be a sign they’re not getting enough shut-eye.
I don’t generally like sharing charts like this because many parents see the figures as targets to aim for and can worry that their child is nowhere near average.
It’s well known from research that parents often massively misjudge how much sleep their child actually takes.
They might have lots of little micro naps whilst you’re walking the dog, in the car for 5 minutes on the way to the supermarket and babies can even sleep and breastfeed at the same time. basically if your baby’s eyes are closed, you can count that towards their total sleep count.
Here’s a liberating thought: if long naps aren’t happening, it’s totally okay. Try swapping nap time for a chill quiet time instead. Let them page through books, draw, or play with something calm. It’s a win-win: they get some downtime, and you don’t have to wrestle them into napping. My blog on The Perfect Nap Routine might also help.
If your gut’s telling you something’s off with your child’s sleep, it’s always a good idea to check in with a GP/HV or a sleep consultant (like yours truly) just book in a free discovery call by clicking here. I’m here to help you figure out what’s best for your child’s sleep needs, no judgment, just support.
If you want a quick and easy way to know whether your little one is getting enough sleep, my quiz will give you the answer in under 2 minutes. Click below to get started!
Imagine life feeling like you know what YOUR little one needs, no more battling to get them to sleep when they just don’t seem ready
Imagine feeling more confident that you can book the baby class or meet a friend for lunch because you know when your baby will need to sleep.
Understanding and meeting your baby or toddler’s sleep needs is vital for their development and your sanity.
If you want to learn how to understand YOUR child’s unique sleep needs, I’ve got you! Complete the quiz and I’ll tell you whether your child is getting enough sleep.
Click here to book a free chat with Jem to discuss sleep packages and ensure we are a good fit. There is no obligation and I will only take clients where I genuinely feel I can change their lives.
I have three simple toddler sleep support packages, Read more about them here.
Yes! You can check out my free sleep resources here.