Does your little one wake up multiple times a night, or maybe they are waking before 6 am every day?
Do they fight bedtime or nap times? Or wake up for a 2 hour long party in the middle of the night?
All you want is to get your evenings back, and feel like your old self again.
You want to be a fun and happy parent, but that’s hard right now with no energy or time for yourself.
You want help but don’t want to leave your child to cry.
I’m Jem, a baby and toddler sleep expert, Mum of 2 and I help exhausted parents to get better sleep.
Parenting is a team effort. In today’s society, many families are struggling without the proverbial village. It’s no wonder raising your young family can feel stressful and like a weight on your shoulders.
But you don’t need to feel alone.
I’m here to help you in the early years with any challenge you might be facing.
Don’t worry, let’s chat it through!
Book in on the link above. I promise I don’t take it personally if we decide I’m not the right coach for you 🙂
Is your toddler waking up several times during the night? You must be feeling drained and overwhelmed!
While occasional night waking can be a normal part of development, waking frequently can take its toll on the whole family.
I can help you identify the reasons behind your child’s frequent night waking, and together we’ll use a combination of sleep science and gentle, responsive techniques to reduce or even stop those wake-ups.
Is your child heavily reliant on you to fall asleep? Do they struggle to settle without your help?
Maybe you find yourself feeding them to sleep more often than you’d like, or your growing toddler has become too heavy to keep rocking.
Together, we’ll gently reduce the need for these labour-intensive routines, helping your child feel more confident and content falling asleep on their own.
Is your child frequently feeding throughout the night, or do they seem to need to stay latched on to remain asleep?
We can explore your breastfeeding goals and develop a personalised plan that feels manageable for you.
Whether it’s reducing nighttime feeds or transitioning to night weaning, we can achieve this while continuing your breastfeeding journey in a way that works for both you and your child.
Have you found yourself co-sleeping and now feel unsure how to make the shift?
Perhaps it worked for a time, but now you’re ready to reclaim your bed.
We can work together to gently guide your child towards feeling secure and comfortable sleeping in their own space.
Do you find yourself dreading bedtime, with every night feeling like a struggle?
Perhaps your bedtime routine drags on for hours, and no matter what you do, your child still seems full of energy.
I can help you create a bedtime routine that’s not only effective but enjoyable. Bedtime is more than just bath, feed, and bed—let’s find a rhythm that works for your family.
Is your little one consistently waking up before 6am? You feel like you’ve done a day’s work before you sit at your desk!
This creates a challenging cycle of early naps and bedtimes, leaving you feeling drained before your day even starts.
I can help you identify and address the common causes of early waking, guiding your child towards more restful, later mornings.
“We approached Jemma for advice about our one year old, who was difficult to settle to sleep and waking up every half an hour after we put him to bed. She was non judgemental and gave us some straightforward, practical and manageable suggestions about adjusting day time sleep patterns. We couldn’t believe what a big difference to his night time routine it made! Would highly recommend!”
“With Jemma’s help and expert advice we have a toddler who now sleeps for 1.5-2 hours at lunch time and generally sleeps 7pm-7am where he previously woke from his nap after 45 minutes and would be difficult to settle, our days also started between 4.30-5am. Jemma’s kind and non judgmental attitude made her a pleasure to work with. Highly recommend”
Trusting someone else to help your family can be a little scary. I get it, you feel like you’re failing, you’re embarrassed, upset, angry even.
It’s OK to feel like that, this is what exhaustion does to you!
I am passionate about supporting families through these tough times.
What you get when you work with me is a sleep consultant with a listening ear, empathy, and no judgment whatsoever.
You’ll love working with me if you believe that gentle parenting, bonding and compassion are the building blocks of your child’s human potential.
You’ll love working with me if you are keen to know not only what to do, but also why.
If you want to reach out to someone who is not going to take over but who is going to teach you and empower you, then get in touch.