Maintaining a consistent 18-month-old sleep schedule can be challenging.
At this stage, toddlers are developing their independence, which can lead to disruptions in their 18-month-old sleep schedule.
In this blog post, we’ll explore five common challenges parents face with an 18-month-old sleep schedule and provide practical solutions to overcome them.
Why It Happens: At 18 months, toddlers often test boundaries and assert their independence, which can lead to resistance at bedtime, disrupting their 18-month-old sleep schedule.
Why It Happens: Toddlers may struggle with naps due to overstimulation, changes in their environment, or transitioning to one nap, all of which can disrupt their 18-month-old sleep schedule.
Why It Happens: An inconsistent bedtime or too much daytime sleep can lead to early morning wake-ups, affecting the 18-month-old sleep schedule.
Why It Happens: Sleep regressions are common around 18 months due to developmental leaps or changes in routine, disrupting an established 18-month-old sleep schedule.
By addressing these common challenges, you can help your toddler maintain a healthy and consistent 18-month-old sleep schedule. For personalised guidance, explore Blissed Out Babies’ resources and services.
Don’t Miss Our Free Webinar! We’re also hosting a free sleep red flags webinar to help parents identify health conditions that might impact sleep and provide advice on what to do next. Sign up today to learn more about supporting your toddler’s 18-month-old sleep schedule.
Click here to book a free chat with Jem to discuss sleep packages and ensure we are a good fit. There is no obligation and I will only take clients where I genuinely feel I can change their lives.
I have three simple toddler sleep support packages, Read more about them here.
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