I often speak to parents who talk about certain baby behaviour being ‘just for comfort’ and they find this frustrating and are looking for ways to help their baby change this behaviour.
It is especially common to hear this phrase when they wake in the night and have a little feed ‘just for comfort’, or immediately fall back to sleep after being picked up and given a little cuddle.
Babies are new to the world, and they have a lot to learn. They’re also totally dependent on their caregivers for everything from food and shelter to co-regulation. That’s why it’s so important for us to be responsive to their needs, even when those needs seem small or insignificant, such as those that are seemingly ‘just for comfort’.
One of the most common needs that babies have is for co-regulation. They may want to be fed, cuddled, rocked, or sung to just to feel safe and loved. And that’s perfectly okay.
Here are a few reasons why it’s important to respond to babies’ needs for comfort:
Of course, it’s important to make sure that babies are also getting their basic needs met, such as hunger, sleep, and nappy changes. But don’t be afraid to comfort your baby just because they need it. It’s one of the best things you can do for them.
Here are a few tips for comforting your baby:
I do understand that responding to your baby when there’s not an obvious physical need to be fulfilled can feel frustrating. After all, we like to know the reason why our baby is crying
Maybe we should ask ourselves why it feels hard for me to give myself over to this.
In most cases, it’s because our own needs are not being met. The saying ‘you can’t pour from an empty cup’ is so true. If you are giving giving giving, and not getting some emotional and practical support, it’s going to be so hard to carry on indefinitely.
Or growing up, were you told that you should ‘stop crying’ or if you were upset and looked for comfort were you told ‘Why are you upset about that, it doesn’t matter?’. If this rings true, it makes sense that giving comfort without bias or prejudice doesn’t come naturally.
Isn’t the very purpose of being a parent to provide love and comfort?
Rather than trying to stop your baby’s need for comfort, or looking at it as something to be changed, can you embrace it?
Look at it as your super power?
Perhaps we should ask why we feel doing things ’just for comfort’ is bad?
How have we become so programmed into prioritising independence that we have lost sight of the need for dependence first?
Who do you go to and what do you do ‘just for comfort’?
Can you do it some more?
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