
Taking Your Baby Out for a Walk? Here's What You Need to Know

mother and baby siting on ground together

Caring for a child, especially a baby can be difficult. As we covered in our post ‘Do My Children Sleep Through the Night?’, there are many long nights and your child can spend a good amount of time crying. If your baby has trouble getting some sleep, walking is one of the most effective methods to encourage them to fall asleep. The BBC reported that that Scandinavian parents often take their children outside to ensure they get a good nap. Aside from helping them sleep, below are some other reasons you should go on a stroll with your baby and some tips on what to bring on a walk.


They get sunlight

Sunlight is one of the main sources of vitamin D, which is vital for your child’s immunity development. Taking them out on walks during days when the sky is clear will help them get some of the nutrients they need without needing supplements.

They get a sensory experience

Being outside can give children experiences they would not be able to have if they are just indoors. They get to interact with the environment, which can help them develop their mental growth.

You get quality time with your child

One of the best benefits of going on walks with your baby is that you will be able to spend quality time with them. You won’t have any distractions around you and they can be your sole focus, making it a good bonding experience.


Tips for taking your baby on a walk

Give them proper sun protection

Though a benefit of going on walks with your baby is to expose them to sunlight, it isn’t ideal for them to be under UV light for too long. The NHS has provided a list of sun safety tips for families with small children to follow. Make sure to give your baby ample amounts of shade by using an umbrella on sunny days. They also recommend not to be under direct sunlight from eleven in the morning to three in the afternoon, as this is when the sun is at its harshest.

Choose a good pushchair

A good pushchair is recommended for taking a baby outdoors on walks, as you will be able to go for longer walks due to not having to carry the baby. If investing in a pushchair, do get one that is multi-functional. iCandy’s selection of pushchairs show how modern, ultra-compact strollers are designed to be complete travel systems. This means you can transfer the cot to the car and have it act as a car seat. Saving you money and time. Aside from being a safe pushchair for your child, you can also use it to carry other things you might need with you like a nappy bag, sanitisers, and your personal belongings.

Dress them for the right weather

One big tip for parents taking their children out on a walk is to dress them for the appropriate weather for the day. If it’s summer, be sure that they are wearing something breathable so they won’t be too warm, such as sleeveless onesies during this time.

In the winter, layer their clothes up as needed. Babies have a harder time regulating their body temperature so buy appropriate clothes. The Töastie Cloud Onesie is a good option due to its thermo-regulating material. This is because when you are outdoors, they are protected from the nippy breeze and when you are in a heated environment, you can simply take off a few layers to prevent them from feeling too warm.

Going on walks is an efficient and easy way to calm your baby, and it comes with a myriad of other benefits too, like increased immunity. Just remember to settle your baby into a routine that works for you and them.